I’m much younger in age than most
people would guess. Maybe it’s because
of the way I carry myself? I don’t think that maturity comes with age in my
personal opinion. I think it comes with
life experiences and situations that grow you, test and stretch you. I’ve been
passionate about the topic of relationships since I was 11 years old. I don’t remember
what it was specially that struck that passion, but I do remember looking
around my little world and thinking that I wanted nothing to do with how other
people did relationships. There was nothing beautiful in what I saw. Nothing
pure, nothing sacred. I was surrounded by young people who flirted and played
with each other like it was a big game. I didn’t see anything beautiful about
it. And I didn’t want to play a game.
When I was 11 I went to a conference
for women. At this particular conference one of the sessions was about God
written love stories. The speaker shared a bit of her story with the ladies who
were listening intently, and something pulled at my heart. Whether it was
something she said, or the worship, a desire was planted in my heart that day.
A vision unfolded before me. That if the pen is surrendered fully to Jesus
Christ, He really can write the most beautiful stories. I didn’t realize that
not only my life story but my love story as well didn’t have to be cheapened by
the world’s standards. I didn’t have to
look just like the world in the way I went about things. I knew I wanted a story that was 100% God orchestrated, and I wanted a story that was beautiful.
There’s something in the feminine
heart that desires that, and if we’re honest, I think we all long for it. To be
pursued, to be won over.
How can I know that a relationship has
the potential to be one of the most beautiful and sacred things we experience
if I’ve never been in one before? That’s a valid question. And due to deep hurt
some of you have been through, you might just call me silly and far too
unrealistic to even think that a relationship could be all that and more. But
here’s what I would have to say for myself. I have a relationship with Jesus. I
commune and talk with Him every day. I share my struggles with Him, my
longings, my dreams, and He so sweetly listens.
And one of the things we talk about
often is relationships. HIS heart for them. How He longs to
be invited into them, He longs to be the one that orchestrates every detail. I think where we’ve lost the beauty and
sacredness of it is when we started taking it all into our own hands. We’ve
pursued what we’ve wanted to pursue because it felt good and fulfilling in the
moment. But I think the act of waiting on God, and asking His approval first
can change so many things. It creates a
space for Him to dwell and it creates room for Him to work. I’m not against
dating, but what I am against is dating without purpose or intention. What I am
against is saying yes to an offer or opportunity without even consulting the
King of the Universe about it first. Dating because you can isn't valuing the heart that God has given you, nor is it valuing your time.
He knows what’s best for you. What
your heart beats for, what He’s created in YOU. We say yes for the sake of
saying yes without realizing how much that cheapens things. Your heart has
value. Your life has value. Your purpose has value! And that’s not meant to be
shared with just anyone that comes along wanting to barge in to the doors of
your heart.
I think if we realized that we have
value to begin with, it would affect the way we carry ourselves and what we say
yes to. We would start to realize how much value our yes has!
I’ve never been in a relationship
before. Not because I’ve never been asked, but because I wanted my Heavenly
Father’s approval first. And with every offer that has come, He’s not given me
the yes from Him. Now, because I know He
has His very best for me, because I know that He knows me better than anyone,
His approval is the most important to me. I have the freedom to say yes to whomever I want!
Absolutely. My Heavenly Father isn’t controlling. But because we have a
relationship that is centered on trust, that means I’m going to trust that He
has something better if I don’t feel Him giving me the go ahead to say yes.
It all comes down to this. He wants to
be a part of your love story. He wants to make it beautiful and precious for
you! But He’s not going to force you to make Him in charge. He’s not going to
force you to put the pen in His hands. You have to make that decision, and let
go and trust. That if you’re meant to be with a man, and if you allow Him to be
in charge of it, it truly will be more beautiful than you could’ve ever
imagined. How do I know? Because I know HIM. And that’s enough for me. I very much am looking forward to that day
when I finally do get to say YES.. That long awaited answer that I have so
longed to give, but only with the blessing and approval of my Father. How special
it will be.
I’ve said no to other offers because my
Heavenly Father said, “not yet”. Someday when He does give me the permission to
say yes, I will know just how much my Jesus loves that man, and how that man
must’ve really gone out of his way to seek the permission of my King to pursue
me! The right kind of man won’t take seeking God for that lightly. He will see
just how precious your heart is and how it ought to be treated that way.
Not every relationship ends in
marriage, but that doesn’t mean it’s failed or lost purpose. Even the ones that don’t end in marriage have
every opportunity to have trusting in God be the center of their relationship,
and they have every opportunity to reflect Jesus and be orchestrated by Jesus.
It’s all about perspective. Realizing
He wants our best for us. Realizing that we aren’t defined by a relationship
status, and that if He’s not giving you a peace to say yes, trust that there’s
a reason for it. Realizing that when He’s a part of it, it truly is the most
beautiful and sacred thing. He can be trusted!
He wants to transform this area of
your life! He wants to redeem what has been lost or stolen, and believe me
sweet sister, there is nothing that He can’t redeem.
Love, Rosie
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