Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Yes & No

I remember having this revelation on Valentines Day. I woke up the morning of just like i normally do (surprise!) and i got ready for my day.
I went on a picnic with my two little men (yay for the nanny life) and we shared a lovely picnic on a windy day that ended up blowing our lunch all over the place.
That evening i got together with two dear gal friends, we got dolled up and headed for Downtown to eat at the Cheesecake Factory. On the car ride there, i saw the twinkle lights glistening from the city as i thought to myself, "I really wish that i could share this evening with my man,  but at the same time, my heart is so so content"-
Then i started reflecting on the different situations I've been through, the offers that have come by, and how every time i never had the grace or YES from Jesus to say yes.
I had to say no. Trusting that there was a better yes around the corner.
Then the thought hit me.
I'm still single tonight partly because of me! GASP.
You see, God gives us a choice. We can either take this area of life into our own hands, and confidently say yes to any offer over coffee or dinner because it's fun, adventurous and exciting.
We could jump into any situation that offers itself up, and just say "don't take your life to seriously".  And yes. I've been told that many a times over.

Looking at the different situations that have come my way, i could easily be engaged at this point in my life and possibly getting married soon. I don't say that to boast, or say "look at me" but i say it to give an example of just how differently my life would be looking like right now if i simply said,
 y e s.
It's an easy enough reply isn't it? No, not really... not unless you understand the weight a simple yes can carry. 
If i said yes because my desire for marriage or a guy in my life was so important that it didn't matter what it looked like in order to get there, then how is that inviting Jesus into the process with me if i consult my desires and feelings over what He has for me? Over what He wants for me? I don't want what i want for my life. I want what He wants for my life.
What I'm saying is, that yes,  DOES MATTER.  It matters greatly, and the weight of it should be felt.
It matters what we say yes to, and whom we say yes to, and when we say yes to it. 
I could be on my way to having my five year plans checked off by now.

1.) Get married
 2.) Jump into ministry
3.) Start a family 
4.) Photography business blooming  
 And of course there are many other dreams and aspirations to add, but my list doesn't matter when it comes to the plans HE has for me. It's not worth saying yes to, if i know HIS answer is a no.
My life is His. My heart is His. All things pale in comparison to Him when we get to the point of being so captivated by Him that nothing else matters except following His will for our lives. 

Don't get me wrong. You can be wholeheartedly in love with Jesus and still struggle at times with being single. But it's what we TURN to in those moments of loneliness or heartache that can determine whether we stay in that struggle or not.  

I look at my life, my standards, and i can't help but think that i must look so odd and stiff to some people. But i'm so okay with that. Because I've gotten a taste of how worth it it is to walk a path that may be foreign to some, that may seem ridiculous to most, because every time, i find Jesus on that path waiting to meet me and to take me to new places.  I understand that this is just a perspective, but my desire is for you to gain God's heart for you in this season of singleness. For you to gain His heart when an offer does come, and knowing what He wants you to say when it comes to giving an answer to that offer. What that looks like is between you and Him, but my desire is for you to seek Him yourself, ask Him yourself, and find out what kind of a path He wants you to walk down. It's okay if it looks differently, but the most important part is that you are seeking Him on the matter.
He could be the most dashing man with a gentlemanly character and it still be the wrong thing. We only see with earthly eyes into the present, but our Jesus sees into the spiritual with a heavenly, long term perspective. 
Will you trust Him with your response?
Will you trust Him with your "Yes's and No's"?



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